Tuesday, March 24, 2009

For a Living Planet...WWF (World Wild Fund)

Share your time and resources while learning more about the exciting world of environmental conservation by volunteering in one of our projects. You never know where it might lead. Our former Executive Director (ED), Dato’ Mike Kavanagh, joined as a volunteer in 1991 and this led to him heading the organisation for 15 years. Volunteering has also reaped rewards for Brian Lee. Although he came in as an intern in 1996, he also volunteered for quite a while.

He has this to say to aspiring greenies, "Have you ever thought about how things can be much better than it is? Cleaner water, greener cities, happier communities. Imagine how you will feel when you’re able to contribute to this. Day after day, month after month. It’s a good feeling. Like being part of a large global family. Humans, tigers, orang-utans, trees, rivers and so much more. Come and join us." From time to time, WWF-Malaysia do take in volunteers as and when there is a request from the projects. Announcements will be made in the Volunteering & Internship section when the need arises. Feel free to check our website for further updates. Alternatively, you can submit a copy of your resume and let us know your availability (duration) for volunteering to careersjobs@wwf.org.my

There are also opportunities for internships as and when the opportunity arises. Just drop us an email and we will get in touch with you when your skills match project needs.

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